Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Friday I had a life changing event happen to me. I had a zit on my right eye Thursday and i asked my lady to pop as it was annoying me. Which she did. Throughout the day, it kept irritating me so dumb me kept touching my eye. Well Friday morning it was hurting and I attempted to go to work but the pain was to much and my eye had swollen pretty bad, so I came home. I did odds and ends around the house, still in pain, I did lay down for a nap and when I woke up we went out to do some shopping..While we were out, I picked up some neosporin and a eye patch, so other didn't have to look at it. After dressing it up about a hour or so we got back home and I took the patch off to breathe and my eye had really swollen...so much so that I was talked into going to the Emergency Room. Well I begrudgingly agreed to go and off we went. After 2 hours of waiting in the Emergency Room, I get brought to the back and they draw blood and look at the eye and we're sitting back waiting on results and then the bomb is dropped. You have an abscess on your right eye and oh by the way..You're a diabetic... Wait what? Yeah your blood sugar was 424 and we're keeping you for observation. Oh hell you're keeping me. I want to go home..I refuse to stay, I am leaving. Well my lovely lady convinces me to stay. I wound up staying till Monday and now I get a life change.....

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