Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Friday I had a life changing event happen to me. I had a zit on my right eye Thursday and i asked my lady to pop as it was annoying me. Which she did. Throughout the day, it kept irritating me so dumb me kept touching my eye. Well Friday morning it was hurting and I attempted to go to work but the pain was to much and my eye had swollen pretty bad, so I came home. I did odds and ends around the house, still in pain, I did lay down for a nap and when I woke up we went out to do some shopping..While we were out, I picked up some neosporin and a eye patch, so other didn't have to look at it. After dressing it up about a hour or so we got back home and I took the patch off to breathe and my eye had really swollen...so much so that I was talked into going to the Emergency Room. Well I begrudgingly agreed to go and off we went. After 2 hours of waiting in the Emergency Room, I get brought to the back and they draw blood and look at the eye and we're sitting back waiting on results and then the bomb is dropped. You have an abscess on your right eye and oh by the way..You're a diabetic... Wait what? Yeah your blood sugar was 424 and we're keeping you for observation. Oh hell you're keeping me. I want to go home..I refuse to stay, I am leaving. Well my lovely lady convinces me to stay. I wound up staying till Monday and now I get a life change.....

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Death of a (wrestling) ICON

It always seems that I start to do this blog thing and then eventually I just stop doing the blogs I equate it to the person that decides that as the new year approaches that this is the year that they're going to the gym and gets there new gym membership, then goes one or twice and never goes back again. With that said.... This morning I got up for work and checked my phone and got some news that kind of shocked me The Ultimate Warrior had passed away at 5:59 PM yesterday. Now I have not followed wrestling in quite some time, but the Warrior was one of the wrestlers I remember from my youth. I personally liked Warrior better than Hulk Hogan. I remember may things about the Ultimate Warrior. I remember when he beat Hogan at Wrestlemania. I remember when the Undertaker locked him in a casket, I remember the entrance he made. The man was one of the wrestlers that put Wrestling in the main stream. My heart goes out to his family and to the wrestling community at large. The Ultimate Warrior was one of the best.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Detroit Lions sign new OC

It looks like the Detroit Lions have signed a new offensive coordinator to go with new Head Coach Jim Caldwell. The Detroit Lions found reached into NFL greatness to grab their Offensive Coordinator Detroit Lions bring in Vince Lombardi's grand son Joe Lombardi as Offensive Coordinator http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2014/01/21/report-lions-hire-joe-lombardi-grandson-of-vince-lombardi-as-new-offensive-coordinator/

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shit just got real.

My life at this moment this plain sucks.

My Girlfriend/Fiancee/Common law wife (who knows any more) is currently having some legal matters that had her in County Jail for the last 8 days. Now she's in Taylor jail waiting to hear her fate.

My cable has been turned off because instead of paying the cable, I've been hording my money so I can pay for phone calls from Wayne County and to have in case legal matters require a payment. While I don't require my cable to survive, it is trying without my internet. However, I shall remain thankful for the air in my lungs, for waking every morning and for having a decently paying job.

That all being said, I'm kind of at my limit. Emotionally, physically, and mentally I am drained. I feel like my spirit has been broken and my desire to press forward does not seem to exist. My life has been whittled down to getting up at 6am to catch a bus to make it to work by 9 AM to working all day to getting off at 6PM walking 1.3 miles to catch the bus at 6:45 PM so I can get home at 8PM where at this time I crash out of the couch and start the process all over again.

Now if I was a single man on my own, I could live with this life style, but I am a father and at this time I don't get to see my daughter as much as I'd like, she's with her Aunt (My partner's sister). I had my daughter Saturday over night with her oldest brother and sister (Who hate staying with their Aunt) and we had a great time

Well my partner was suppose to go in front of her judges (Yep more than one) yesterday, but due to Wayne County bringing her late, her court appointed attorney left and now she doesn't go in front of the judges until tomorrow. I was able to get the day of yesterday and I literally spent all day at Taylor Jail and it was for naught. I can't get the day off tomorrow so I hope that her sister can get there and information can be relayed to me as soon as they find out.

No cute picture or quirky sayings. Just a drained blogger who is ready for it to end.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Love thy Neighbor?

Recently I have had some problems with a neighbor two doors down a few weeks back. This started weeks ago and things have been civil lately. There still has been distractions I'll call them. But then comes Halloween morning. The kids got up for school (I had requested the day off so I could take the kids trick or treating, as I usually work till 6 or 7). Well they go out the front door and there's smashed pumpkin, spaghetti noodles along with empty garbage bags. There's toilet paper in our bush at the side of the house, mustard and ketchup are all over the side of the house and someone cut down all our Halloween ghosts we put up on the porch and in the tree. The kids are irate, but I just chuckle to myself.

I get the kids off to school and then I go out with a shovel and a rake and get the garbage picked up and the toilet paper off the tree and I grab the string and rehang the ghosts, took all of 30 to 40 minutes. They saw me outside picking it all up and I was laughing having a good ole time. Claire is in the door watching as the ghosts are restrung, telling up that we saved Halloween.

Fast forward about 4 hours and I get a knock at my door and it's my neighbor from two doors down (Now granted the last time the police where called she was told to leave us alone and we were told to leave them alone.) and she brings her friend our direct neighbor from next door with her. They incoherently go on about her van being put up on Craigslist and having over 100 text messages and wants to know if I did it. I laughed at her and said, I don't know your number, I don't want to know it and it wasn't me. The lady then starts cussing and yelling and tells me she's going to get her lawyer involved and I told her to please go ahead and I then kindly ask her to leave my property about 3 times. She walks off my porch turn around in my yard and says. I'm moving in a month. I offered to help her pack. She then tells me to just wait until then and that's she's from the hood. I laughed and then called the police (I called because she made another threat) They came told her if she came into our yard again she was going to jail.

This morning I get up to go to work and there's toilet paper in my bushes again. I expected so much more from someone from the hood

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


This post brought to you by Smart bus transportation!

I have been rather unhappy lately.  My life is so far from where It was suppose to be. 

Gone are the  carefree spirit who did what I wanted.  Now have these things called responsibility.  For years I kind of just threw caution to the wind and let things fall as they may.

I always felt I would be the  guy that would  travel and do whag I wanted.  Not now I have responsibilties...